Project Cargo Transport

Projests : Wind Power/Biomass Project


As of April 2014, we have handled ocean transport for approximate 300 x 1,500-kilowatt generators. For some of them, we have even provided domestic transport and installation services in countries and regions of destination in Japan.

Normally, a 1,500-kilowatt wind turbine can produce 3.3 million kilowatts of electricity a year (at an operating rate of between 22 percent and 23 percent), which typically is enough electricity to power 900 households per year.
Through projects in which we have been involved thus far, we have helped provide clean energy to 270,000 households per year.

Gunma Prefecture

Between 2010 and 2011, we provided intermodal transport services for imported boiler facilities to be used in a waste disposal plant in Gunma Prefecture. Equipment and materials manufactured by Chinese and Korean vendors were shipped by break bulk vessel to the Port of Tokyo area. After customs-clearance, we arranged trailers in compliance with the customer’s cargo specifications and delivered the parts via overland transport to the construction site at the designated time.

We were praised by the customer for arranging the trailer and delivering the cargo to the construction site in a timely fashion despite there being some 150km between the port of discharge and the construction site.