Action to Safety

Action to Safety

In future trucking services, customers will select higher-quality trucking companies than ever to have safety ensured.
In the Keihin group, which regards safety as an important challenge to overcome when providing trucking services, five trucking affiliates were recognized as safe service providers in December 2004 and 2015.
The five companies have begun making efforts to ensure safety without a hitch.
Specifically, they have prepared a standardized safety assessment manual to see how much they comply with safety-related laws and regulations, whether or not they cause accidents and commit violations and how actively they strive to ensure safety.
They are also working to raise awareness of safety operations among all drivers and set environments among themselves for higher safety.
Our group will continue to endeavor to protect the earth’s natural environment and provide transport services while fully taking safety into account.

Obtaining Certificates for Excellent Business Operators in Terms of Safety

Eight business footholds and five companies of the Keihin Co., Ltd. group that operate trucking services have been certified as excellent business operators in terms of safety by the Japan Trucking Association (JTA), which has been designated by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) as an organization that work nationwide to optimize transport with cargo transport vehicles.
The JTA began providing the certification in fiscal 2003 to assess business operators’ safety properly, and certify and publish safe business operators to allow uses to choose safe operators more easily and develop environments to raise the awareness of having to improve safety for the trucking service industry.
We will continue to operate transport services, doing activities to protect the earth’s natura environment and taking safety into full consideration.

Companies and Offices Certified as Excellent Business Operators in Terms of Safety

KEIHIN DISTRIBUTION CO.,LTD. Head office 16-Dec-04
KEIHIN TRANSPORT CO.,LTD.(Kanto) Head office/Chiba distribution center 16-Dec-04
KEIHIN TRANSPORT CO.,LTD.(Kansai) Takatsuki office/Kobe office 16-Dec-04
KEIHIN TRANSPORT CO.,LTD.(Tokai) Shizuoka office 15-Dec-15