Corporate Governance
Basic Policy
To fulfill our social mission and responsibilities, we at KEIHIN understand that enhancing and improving our corporate governance is an important business challenge. To this end, we enhance our business supervisory and audit capabilities by appointing outside directors and auditors. We have established risk-management and compliance systems to assure that our business operations are just and sound. Also, we disclose information appropriately in timely manner to ensure transparency of our management.
Internal Control
Compliance Management
To encourage officers and employees to comply with laws and regulations as well as its articles of incorporation, KEIHIN has established a code of conduct and action guidelines for our group. Our Crisis Management Committee has been organized and appointed responsibility for the compliance of those company rules by preventing violations, dealing with violators and taking preventive measures. Under our Crisis Management Committee is a team for presiding over compliance, which is developing and promoting a compliance system through workshops, guidance and other activities in accordance with the company’s compliance manual.We have developed a whistle-blowing system for compliance. As contacts in charge of the “Help Line” system, we have an “In-House Help Line Contact” within our company and an “Outside Help Line Contact” at the office of our outside corporate lawyer.
Risk Management
As an organization for managing risks that could arise from business operations, we have established our Crisis Management Committee according to our provisions for the Committee. This is working to develop and promote a system for managing risks; its duties include preventing risks from arising, minimizing damage when they do arise and keeping them from recurring.
Directors’ Documents and Information
Pursuant to relevant laws and regulations as well as our provisions for directors’ documents, we appropriately save and manage information on the execution of business duties by directors.
Compliance Systems Management Committee / Risk Management Committee
We have consolidated systems for compliance and risk management for ourselves and other members of our group. These are both managed by our Crisis Management Committee. Member companies of the Keihin group have also established similar whistle-blowing systems and opened Help Lines respectively. Our In-House Help Line Contact and Outside Help Line Contact are also responsible for governing their systems. We have our internal conference annually scheduled among executive members for which important matters to be discussed for managing and executing business operations.
Correspondence to AntiSocial Forces
We make it a basic policy to dissolve relations firmly with antisocial forces and organizations that pose threats to the order and safety of society. Our General Affairs Department is responsible for dealing with such forces and organizations, by gathering and managing relevant information on a routine basis. In preparation for unreasonable requests made by antisocial forces and organizations, we maintain close relations with the police, our corporate lawyers and other outside specialists. We also have a dedicated Compliance Manual (dissolving relations with antisocial forces and organizations).
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
As a business operator, we act under the following philosophies, being aware of out corporate social responsibilities, complying faithfully with all laws and maintaining high ethical standards and social decencies:
- We make it a principle to offer satisfaction to and foster confidence among customers. We provide high-quality logistics services, taking into full consideration safety and the protection of customer and other items of personal information.
- We run business faithfully, establishing fair and appropriate relationships with all customers and partners.
- We disclose appropriate information in a timely manner so that out shareholders and customers can correctly understand our business performance and corporate activities.
- We work to improve our corporate value on a long-time and sustainable basis. We execute our business tasks, maintaining high ethical standards and senses of responsibility.
- We realize comfort and affluence, respecting our employees’ diversity, personalities and uniqueness as well as ensuring healthy and safety work environments.
- We develop and maintain highly transparent, healthy and normal relationships so as not to suffer distrust and discredit from society.
- Believing that working on environmental issues is our corporate responsibility, we make efforts to protect the natural environment and reduce burdens on it via the provision of environmentally friendly logistics services.
- Respecting other countries’ and regions’ cultures and customs, we do business overseas to contribute to their developments.
Realizing that it is their task to put in practice the philosophies set forth in this code of conduct, our managers take the initiative in giving examples, impregnate them thoroughly within our company and group affiliates so that effective corporate systems can be developed. In case emergencies and other grave situations take place that could violate laws and this code of conduct, however, out managers will endeavor quickly and accurately to find out the causes and solve the problems as well as make efforts to keep them from happening again.